Tuesday, September 8, 2009

50-Andha Naal Nyaabagam !

Just for your viewing pleasure, I have added the following photo in my old postings related to First Visit to IR house in 1978.

This is the tape recorder and the house I was describing there in that posting (I hope this shall be of his Santhome house)

Thanks to the person who sent this to me now and also to unknown gentleman who owns it.

Blog to continue soon and sorry for the delay.



  1. Kumar n Shankar...
    I have no words to express my feelings after landing in your blog.. I'm feeling awestruck and i'v been hooked to ur blog right from morning.. So glad that you shared all these golden, unforgettable experiences you had with our maestro...I'm an ardent fan and a common fan just like you with very very little knowledge on music and i used to discuss the minute things in maestro's music..
    I'm feeeling great to come across your blog...Thank u so muccccchhhh... Do you still have contacts with IR? or did u try reaching him? just curios :)

  2. CSR sir..
    Cant wait longer.
    Please come out with your next post.
    I feel very dissapointed each time i log onto your blog and not to find anything new.

  3. Dear Murali,

    Sorry for the delay due to heavy office works. I hope to post within few days and I will personally inform you when I do so.

    Dear "Dakaltiz"

    THanks for reading and providing comments. When completed reading please share your feelings.


