Tuesday, September 29, 2009

29-Visits of 1983-84 - Part-2

The car vanished away !

His assistants were waiting for me to leave so that they can close the door.

A shattered body, with all its soul and brain refusing to function further, was standing still there. By nature, and as per my normal way of thinking, I should have told myself to catch the next bus and return.

But not so, in the case of IR related matters! Any difficulties, any humiliations not to matter much, because its worth to attempt all possibilities before accepting the failure !

I must be a different man now, think something and act somehow, come what may be, I shall attempt! I became a different man then suddenly.

I just asked for the details with the people there, what is meant by “Studio” as IR told, and where it is situated and how to go.

Fortunately, they were very helpful and I could realize that I must go to Vada Palani area and make further attempts there!

Where there is a will, there is a way!

I just got out of the house, and though I was hungry, now the time is only to do something else!

So just walked to the nearest bus stand, and after enquiring got into the town bus for Vada Palani.

While traveling, I saw the huge hoardings of cine posters containing IR’s face etc. on both sides of the road, and got into the deep thinking “Can I make it today?”

Very soon, I was shaken up by the conductor asking me get down and then I realized that this place is so near to T-Nagar.

Again after enquiries with the passerby, I walked towards the studio.

That was AVM’s studio, which was quite some distance from the bus stand, where I got down wrongly!

It was around 7-15 or so, when I was near the main gate of the studio, again there were certain worries and hesitations within me cropped up, whether I will be thrown out ! (as usually shown in films etc.).

But, with some courage and determination, I just walked inside, without bothering for those gatekeepers etc. To my surprise nobody asked anything.

I felt, unlike main film personalities, like hero and heroines, during that early hours of a day, security people were not much worried for other techincal people's entry and exit! Later I realized, at that early hours, all these things may be some routine for them.

After walking a quite long road within that area (which many of you might have seen in films), I reached near the actual building where the recording theatre was situated.

Here also, with the same blind gate-crashing I got inside the buildings. It was a lounge kind of thing, from where doors to various rooms and recording hall etc were situated.

I waited a few moments there, thinking that IR will arrive there after some time. But I saw people were getting in and out often in a particular room. Whose doors were remain closed.

With some courage, when I peeped through the small glass panel located in the door, I was astonished to see IR and his few selected crew members who were already on some kind of composing job, though I could not hear what is going on inside that closed room !

Slowly, the realization dawn on me that IR was rushing in the morning for his composing job only!

I started feeling highly guilty, that I had interrupted him while he was getting into the car in that morning! How much concentration and mood control etc are required for a composer and creator, and such interventions would certainly be hampering anybody!

Like any ordinary person would have imagined about a music director (as per the hearsay and usual articles of magazines etc), I also thought in that way, and got into deep thoughts of how to minimize my intervention and at the same time shall see those recordings etc.

Remember, still I was on the lounge area only and it was around 7-45. I also saw some people were coming and going through other door also. After few moments, I gate crashed, one last time, into other double door system, alongwith somebody who was just entering that.

I realized that I have landed in the re-recording hall and what was awaiting me there was the re-recording of some film!

The air-conditioned environment, the silence, and other set-up there sent a chill in me!

First and foremost thing for me to do was to quickly settle in some corner safely, without attracting other’s attention, and I exactly did that!

And got myself stuck in that hall throughout that day ! No food, No water ! Till Night !

But remained there ! As I was amply rewarded otherwise of my efforts!

My first lesson of re-recording fundas, I got on that day !

That of SoorakkOttai Singakutty !”


  1. That is a cause worthy of sacrificing drink and food!

  2. Wow! Nice, please continue..... love, vinatha.

  3. Great narration. I feel ecstatic on reading it.

  4. Man! you should write a book. I sincerely feel so. this is terrific. simply terrific.

    tons and tons of love
