Saturday, September 19, 2009

40-Nyaana Thangame - Part-5 - Audio Clips No 11 to 19

(Continued .......from Part-4...)

Link for the Audio Clips 11 to 19 given here:

MP3 files / Real Audio Files :

File-11-MP3 / File-11-RA

File-12-MP3 / File-12-RA

File-13-MP3 / File-13-RA

File-14-MP3 / File-14-RA

File-15-MP3 / File-15-RA

File-16-MP3 / File-16-RA

File-17-MP3 / File-17-RA

File-18-MP3 / File-18-RA

File-19-MP3 / File-19-RA

Comments/Notes for the above clips :

Clip-11 : Re-Take from Prelude – Full Song tried as Track

Some more progresss…!

Having listened to so many times the individual rehearsals, now you can easily comprehend the whole song by yourself. Which you may find very satisfactory! Not for IR..!

Clip-12 : Suggestion for Change in Thaala nadai in Pallavi also

Discussion on the change in Thaala Nadai in the Pallavi lines after third line as well as before repetition of Pallavi lines!

Also, somebody on his own tries some beautiful rhythmic addition with his guitar in the Pallavi … just like that..!

IR notes that and comes to know that is by none other than Sadhaanand..(Son of famous erstwhile music director Sudarshanam) He asks Sadhaa to continue that…! Ni Sa Sa…ting-tong-tong… in the Pallavi!

Clip-13 : Change in Thaala nadai in Pallavi Rehearsed

Now the thaala nadai and Guitar improvisation suggestion (tha-thak-thaaa…) is added with percussion rhythm also and rehearsed.

Clip-14 : Full Song Take

Changed thaala nadai and Guitar improvisation effected.

Full song Take is done

(Note the dilrooba improvisation in the second interlude done earlier, is missing now somehow)

Clip-15 : Complete Song Re-take

The complete track song is now ready..! Almost Ready…! ??????

Clip-16 : One More Improvisation-Triangle

Most of the players have left the hall, as take is almost over…! After hearing the recorded track fully, IR feels the 2nd interlude Guitar-Dilrooba duet needs some fillings.. Triangle sound in between the Guitar phrases will be nice. So he asks for the triangle and its player.
But some unexpected problems start….!

Clip-17 : Complete Song Minus Voice Track checked by Emy & IR

Now your Master set is ready without Voice track…(like Karaoke..) ! Sundarrajan has done h is job!

Thank you Sundararajan….!

You can hear the 2nd interlude very clearly without the percussion!

Clip-18 : Guitar-Triangle-Dilrooba Re-take !

Triangle player rehearses after checking the Shruthi of Triangle….!

While recording takes for triangle it was realised by Emy and IR that Dilrooba track got erased erroneously!

So when IR wanted to add the triangle, Dilrooba portion was not able to be retrieved in the minus-track situations. Controlling his emotions, IR asks for the dilrooba to be played and recorded again.

So Dilrooba player was again called inside the hall and one more time got recorded alongwith Guitar-Triangle combination.

Such critical situations do happen! But without compromising IR again demands patiently and gets what he wants!

Clip-19 : Dilrooba-Triangle recorded and Checked

Atlast the 2nd interlude in entirety is over…!

So the Full Track is ready and Actual Voice recording to start…!


  1. Dear Mr.CSR,
    I have been reading your Blog whenever I can for the past couple of days successively.You are a wonderful writer and you write very well on my favorite topic(No points for guessing)!I dont know of any other person who can be as fanatical as you on IR.I sincerely think that you have really done something great in your previous lives to have seen and experienced what you have.I am extremely jealous!I also appreciate your sense of music at such an early age of life.I would also like to know if your wife and kids are just as fanatical as yourself.
    After hearing the recordings,I wondered what do I owe this gentleman for having given us all this.So I made a post on and hopefully you will have a very big fan following.If you are not already on Orkut,I would consider it an honor to introduce you there(as you can become a member only thru friends).
    Keep up the AWSEOME work!
    Best regards
    Gowri Shankar
    P.S:Orkut is just like Yahoo Groups but with lots of additional features.There are a number of Ilaiyaraja fan groups,the biggest of them has 12,000+ members.

  2. Thank You GowriShankar,
    for introducing myself and my blog to Orkut group. I didn't know about that earlier. Thanks for the nice comments.

    Best Regards


  3. Gowri Shankar,

    Kindy send the necessary invitation to join myself in Orkut Group. I am already having gmail id, but that didnt work.



  4. Dear Mr.CSR,
    Thanks for giving me the honor of introducing you to Orkut!I mean it.Please let me know if you dont get the invite.
